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This is a large group of perennials, biennials and annuals commonly known as Evening Primrose and Sundrops. They are natives of North and South America. O. fruticosa variety "Fyrverkeri" is a perennial that grows 12 to 15 inches high and wide. It forms clumps of broadly lance-shaped to broadly oval, glossy leaves. They are mid-green, stained with purple on reddish colored stems. The fragrant, cup-shaped, brilliant yellow flowers are borne in upright or ascending spikes, from mid- to late summer. The flowers of this plant don't live long, but there is a continuous display, as they are borne in succession during the season. Besides its flowers, this plant is valued for its lustrous foliage, which looks great with bronze- or copper-leaved plants. O. acaulis, the Dandelion-leaved Sundrop is a low growing plant that is excellent for the rock garden. In the summer it produces large white blossoms that turn rosy colored as they age. O. perennis is another small kind only growing 4 or 5 inches high. It produces yellow flowers during the summer.

Pot Cultivation

Grow Evening Primrose in light, sandy soil that has good drainage, in full sun.


These plants may be divided in the fall or spring, or softwood cuttings may be taken in late spring. Seeds may also be sown in fine soil in late spring.

O. biennis
O. rosea


  • O. fruticosa & var. Fyrverkeri, Youngii, major;
  • O. biennis;
  • O. glauca Fraseri;
  • O. speciosa;
  • O. acaulis;
  • O. missouriensis;
  • O. caespitosa;
  • O. rosea;
  • O. perennis.

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